The Diversity Alliance Summit on Race and Inclusion is an annual event that examines the effects of racial disparities and strategies for their elimination at a day-long conference involving hundreds of participants from across the state of Michigan.

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Our diversity education workshops are customized training solutions designed to build clients’ capacity to advance diversity and inclusion. Infused with the latest research in the field, our workshops offer an interactive, eye-opening experience tailored to address specific organizational needs.


Geared toward middle and high school students, Calling All Colors creates an inviting space to talk about race and provides students with tools for increasing positive racial impacts within their schools. The year-long program features two conferences and fosters inclusive school communities.

Talking to Kids About Race Featured Image

Talking to Kids About Race empowers parents, childcare providers, and educators of young children with an understanding of racial attitudes in early childhood development and provides tools for creating change through research-based, comprehensive workshops.

If you would like to find out more about one of our programs, please contact us.